After installed mbuni mmsc,now I can send mms mobile to mobile. This is using MM1 interface.There are
sevral MM interfaces available in Mbuni.
It supports essential MM interfaces.MM1,MM3,MM4 and MM7.

MM1 – Interface between mobile and the mmsc
MM3 -Interface between MMSC and external servers
MM4 -Interface for foriegn MMSCs
MM7 -Interface between VASP s (Value added service providers)
This post is about how to configure mbuni mmsc for sending mms as an email and vise versa.

Mbuni communicates with SMTP/Mail interface for delivering mms as an email or email as a MMS.

First take a look how to deliver mms to email account

For that purpose we need to install MTA(Mail transfer agent)like postfix,or we can use default sendmail also.

Install and configure postfix (sendmail) for sending mails.

Then set the following parameter in mbuni mmsc.conf file

send-mail-prog = /usr/sbin/sendmail -f '%f' '%t'

we can set these parameters also
mms-notify-text = "You have received a multimedia message from %S, go to XXX to view it"
mms-notify-unprovisioned-text = "This is a test"
mms-to-email-txt = "This is a multimedia message (HTML suppressed)"
mms-to-email-html = "This is a multimedia message powered by Mbuni"
mms-to-email-default-subject = "This is a multimedia message"

restart mbuni .Lets use mmssend utility to check mms2email functionality.

mmssend -f [from no] -t [valid email] -m sample.mms -b /etc/mmsc.conf

After that check logs


For this configuration we need mail transfer agent (postfix) .We need to tell postfix how to route emails to mbuni.
I used the method stated in this link
Other than that I needed to give access rights to postfix to access mbuin log files (access log ,mmsc.log)
set permisson of Mbuni log file folder
chmod 644 logfolder/*

In mbuni configuration I need to set the
This is to specify which domain that mbuni gets email messages.Mbuni only accepts messages from that domains.Here I needed to add mbuni’s own domain name also as a relay host.If mbuni mmsc connected with other operator mmscs
need to add that host names also.And there after need to configure group “foreign mms gateways configuration MM4”